At a remarkably cheap cost per page, get up to 8,000 color or 6,000 black pages.
With a high-capacity ink tank system, print thousands of pages.
With our spill-free refill mechanism and resealable bottles, you can replenish your ink supply.
Use spill-free, resealable bottles to conveniently refill your ink tank system.
Get borderless, fade-resistant photos and documents that last up to 22 times longer, as well as print darker, clearer text.
You can consistently rely on darker, sharper text.
What’s in the Box
- HP Ink Tank Wireless 415
- HP GT51 Black Ink Bottle (90CC), HP GT52 Cyan Ink Bottle (70CC), HP GT52 Magenta Ink Bottle (70CC), HP GT52 Yellow Ink Bottle (70CC), Black 5000 pages, Color 8000 pages
- Software CD
- Manual
- Power Cord
- USB Cable.